WIN a Traeger Grill!

That’s right, you can WIN a Traeger Pro Series 22 Pellet Grill!!!

This thing is a beauty. It’s a grill, a smoker, an oven, it cleans your dishe…wait nevermind, it won’t clean dishes. Nonetheless, this grill is bad ass.

I believe in this grill so much that I actually have two! You wouldn’t believe the quality of flavor that goes into the food. I used to bake pizzas in the oven, but not anymore, because the wood fired pellets give my pizza that authentic brick oven taste now.

Alright, enough about the damn food. How do you go about winning this bad boy? The rules are simple, go become a Patreon supporter!

Yup, that’s it. Super easy. Also, the higher Patreon level you are, the more entries you get for the raffle.

Here’s the breakdown:
  • $5 Supporter = 1 Entry
  • $7 Supporter = 2 Entries
  • $10 Supporter = 4 Entries


There is more details on the Patreon page of what additional features you’ll get by becoming a higher level supporter, but one awesome perk is that giveaways happen every quarter!

That’s right, if you didn’t win the Traeger Grill Giveaway, you’ll have a chance to win something else next quarter. Each quarter we’ll draw the name of one lucky winner to receive a hand picked item, valued at $200+, by yours truly.

By the way… this Traeger is valued at $600!

Make sure you hurry over to the Patreon page to sign up because the winner of the Traeger Pro Series 22 will be chosen midnight on March 31, 2021.
